Welcome to GPSAdb

Genetic Perturbation Similarity Analysis


3048 datasets to explore


Query by single gene


Find mediator between two genes


Enrich analysis with your interested genes


GPSA anlaysis with preranked genelist


More information

Browse and explore

Browse datasets easily

The Browse tool provides easily exploration of all 3048 GPSA datasets.
All GPSA datasets are focused on gene perturbation results.
Users can filter data by using perturbation gene, cell line, perturbation method.
Click rows to change datasets.

Explore in multiple ways

If users are interested in a specifc dataset in GPSAdb,
Just click rows in gpsaMetadata panel, then the dataset is chosen

1.diffTable panel
The diffTable panel displays differential results in MAplot and volcano plot.
GPSAdb incorporates the TwoGenePlot function module from GTBAdb to provide correlation analysis between perturbation genes and their targets.

2.GSEA panel
Users can go to GSEA panel to perform Gene Set Enrichment Analysis(GSEA) and Over Representation Analysis(ORA) with preferred gene sets.

3.GPSA panel
If you click RUN GPSA button in GPSA tab panel, then the dataset will be prepared for GPSA analysis and GPSAdb web server will automatically switch to GPSA tool.

gpsaMetadata(Search and click to select whatever interested)


gene/gene set trans-query

ALL starts from a single gene:

The tool Query will find out which gene regulates your gene from 3048 gene knock out RNAseq datasets.
Just enter one gene below,
Click rows shown right to explore diffrent regulators
As all those 3048 datasets in GPSAdb were performed GSEA with four source of gene sets,
trans-query of which gene regulates a specific gene sets is also supported.

Find mediator

If you you want to find a theoretically candidate mediator between the two genes in each row,
Just press the button below,
The two genes will be transferred to Mediator tool in GPSAdb
Start your exploration there!

queryResults(click rows to find correlation)




corTable(Click rows to change subtype)




Mediator between two genes

ALL starts from two genes:

Suppose you have got two genes, geneA and geneC ,
You want to explore which geneB is a mediator candidate,
The Mediator tool will find out which gene theoretically mediates your gene paires.
Just choose two genes below:

Choose and plot:

Click rows to explore different regulation combinations
Choose different gene paires to explore correlations in GTBAdb


mediatorResults(Click rows to change regulation group)




corTable(Click rows to change subtype)




enrichGPSA analysis


Step1: genes you interested

List of Genes:

Upload a one column file:

Step2: Click Run and Wait

Before you start:

Just input a list of your interested genes,clik run and wait
It takes about 1-2 minutes to finish.
Please Wait
Do not leave

Genetic Perturbation Similarity Analysis


Step1:all genes with rank variable

List of Names:

Upload a two column file:

Step2: Click Run and Wait

Before you start:

Just input a list of genes with ranks, the input here is the same as it needs in GSEA
clik run and wait
It takes about 3-5 minutes to finish
and will stay at 30% of the total progress most of the time.
Please Wait
Do not leave

Tutorials of GPSAdb

Tutorials for users to use GPSAdb and interpreter results.


Frequently Asked Questions

1.Pot options in GPSAdb

2.Data download